Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving and its finally December!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We were not able to have our Thanksgiving dinner on the actual day because of our training schedule. So we had it this past Monday. We invited our whole team, plus a few others. We cooked for about 14 people, and ended up having way too much food! I think we were fooled by thinking our Swiss teammates would dish themselves as us Americans do haha! They took such small portions so we had lots of leftovers. Our house made sweet potato casserole, home made stuffing (yes, I said home made!), pumpkin pie, and we even got a turkey from the butcher in town. The other Americans made mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. All of the food was very good and was nice for us to all get together and celebrate this special tradition here in Switzerland. We have so much to be thankful for in, friends, health and happiness. Also, playing pro volleyball in Switzerland!

Our dishes for Thanksgiving

Some of our guests for Thanksgiving dinner

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We have SOOO much snow right now, we didn't really have any at this time last year. I can't believe its officially Christmas time, I couldn't be happier, the holiday season is my absolute favorite time of year! I have been listening to Christmas music for quite sometime already. I have to admit, it is hard to be away from home during Christmas. It really makes me appreciate things like Christmas decorations, music, lights, and being around loved ones. My Dad will be visiting me very soon, next week! I am very excited for his visit, it will be so nice to see a familiar face. He will be staying for about a week and will be able to see my match against Geneva. Shortly after he leaves, I will be going to the UK for our Christmas vacation with 2 of my teammates. We will travel throughout Ireland and then take the ferry over to London. I am very excited. I'm sure it will be freezing, but I think Christmas in London will be very charming. I hope you all are doing well and getting that Christmas shopping done early :)

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