Friday, October 8, 2010

Summer Recap

I know I'm a bit behind on the recent happenings here in Switzerland, but I've decided to share a few details about my eventful Summer with all of you. I had a such a fun first season while playing in Switzerland but I was happy to get back home and enjoy California with family and friends. While in Switzerland, one of my VFM teammates, Jess, got engaged and her wedding was this past July in Idaho. Some of my VFM teammates had never been to California/the west coast, (Steph is from Kentucky and Sandra is from Switzerland) so we decided to take a road trip up the California coast and up through Oregon and Washington all the way to Coeur D'Alane, Idaho. It was a beautiful drive. Along the way, we stopped at Hearst Castle, Carmel, Monterey Bay, Santa Cruz, San Fran, and a few other places. We stayed at a friend's lake house in Coeur D'Alane, Idaho, for a few days where it was absolutely gorgeous. At the wedding, we met up with our other teammates, Emily (who was in the wedding), Kari (from Vegas), and of course the bride. The wedding was so much fun for all of us teammates to be reunited again for this special occasion. On the way back home from Idaho, we drove down through Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Nevada. We made a 2 night stop in Vegas where we stayed at Kari's house.

Sandra, Steph, Kristin, and I in Monterey

With Sandra in San Fran

With Kari, Steph, Sandra, and Kristin at the wedding in Idaho

Nearly 2 days after the road trip, Kristin and I would both be going on another fun adventure...a Caribbean cruise! Our group on the cruise consisted of my Mom and brother, Kristin and her mom, Teri, as well as my brother's friend, John, and his mom, Donna. We left out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and sailed to a private island in the Bahamas, St. Martin, St. Thomas, and Turks and Caicos. We all enjoyed plenty of hot weather, sunshine, and cocktails of course!

Tanner and I on the beach in St. Martin

I loved this painting on a building in St. Martin

Kristin and I snorkeling in St. Thomas

The whole gang

As if these 2 trips weren't enough, in mid August, I went on a 3rd trip to visit my boyfriend, Jeff, in Williamsport, PA. This past Summer, he played for the Williamsport Crosscutters, which is a minor league affiliate to the Philadelphia Phillies. I got to watch 3 of his games and then we were lucky enough to have time to visit New York City. We only spent 2 days and 1 night in NYC, but we saw as much as possible. It was my 1st time in NYC and I absolutely loved it. Our hotel was right in the busy Times Square. We rode the Staten Island ferry to see the Statue of Liberty, walked down Wall St, strolled in Central Park, visited the Empire State building, visited Ground Zero, did a little shopping, had a delicious dinner at Spark's Steakhouse, ate a hot dog from a street cart, rode the subway, and walked all over the city. Our stay in NYC flew by and before I knew it, we were back in Williamsport and I was headed back home to California. Leaving Jeff was difficult because this was the last time I would see him before I left for Switzerland in the beginning of September. I am so happy and lucky to have gotten the opportunity to visit him, we had such a fun time together.

Jeff and I before one of his games

Jeff and I at dinner in NYC

Us at the Empire State building

Jeff's favorite TV show is Seinfeld, so this restaurant was a must see haha

As my Summer began winding down, my days were spent relaxing and being a bum until I left for Switzerland. Before my Mom started the new school year, we played a lot of tennis together in the mornings, followed by chatting over some coffee. On nice days, my Mom and I enjoyed taking Lucy to the dog beach in Huntington. Lucy is a bundle of energy and absolutely loves chasing her ball into the water and digging around in the sand. She is so entertaining to watch. To keep busy, I helped my Dad coach volleyball clinics and gave private lessons to young players. I also went with my Dad to visit my grandparents who live in Arizona. I hadn't seen my Nana and Grandpa since my college graduation in June of 2009, so it was nice to spend some quality time together and celebrate my Dad's birthday.

If you don't already know, I am obsessed with Lucy!

Lucy in action

Ok, now I am all caught up and my next few entries will indeed be about my new experiences over here in Switzerland! Thanks for reading :)

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