Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm back in Switzerland!

If you're reading this blog, most of you should already know that last year I was given the opportunity to play professional volleyball overseas in Switzerland. I enjoyed my experience so much that I decided to return for a 2nd season. I am still playing for the same team, VFM. Our team is from a very small town in the northwest part of Switzerland. So, last year whenever we had time to travel, we made sure to get out of our tiny town and explore Europe. During last season, I traveled to Venice, Munich, Nice, Monte Carlo, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Paris, and all over Switzerland with my teammates. I also traveled all through Italy when my Mom and boyfriend, Jeff, came to visit. We visited Rome, Pompeii, Venice, and Florence. As you can tell, last season I was very fortunate to get to travel so much. I know you're all thinking...wait, wasn't she there to play volleyball??? Yes, that's correct. In fact, my team did so well last season that we won our league and moved the team back into the top league of Switzerland. However, this season will be much different than last because we have a new coach who means business. So, this means more volleyball and less traveling, which is how it is for most Americans playing in Europe. Good thing I got so much traveling done last season ;)

So, now that I have less time to travel, I have decided to spend my spare time contributing my thoughts and experiences to this blog. I hope that I will stay on top of things and that this won't be my first and last entry haha. I'm kidding. Well, I have yet to figure out how everything works on this thing so bare with my first few entries. It will take me a few days to get up to speed with all that's happened during the first month since I've been here in this lovely country of chocolate and cheese. That's all for now :)

Here are a few pics to highlight my first season living in Switzerland

Here is my team from last season

The Grand Canal in Venice, Italy

Next to Lake Geneva in Montreux, Switzerland

Jeff and I in front of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy

My Mom and I at the coliseum in Rome, Italy

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Amsterdam, Holland

Steph and I in Zermatt, Switzerland, with the Matterhorn in the background

The Matterhorn and all its glory!

Kristin and I at the Eifel Tower in Paris, France

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh it's a very good blog, very intresting!
    Saignelégier is beautiful...LOL ;)
